Round Eyes
These eyes are Circular in their appearance. Best lashes to choose are ones that fan upwards and are thin in nature, suppose to, if you wore a thicker, more voluminous lashes can make the eyes appear smaller, so less is more in this instance.
Recommend- H165 are pretty fluffy lashes, which fan upwards, but are not to thick. These are also on a invisible band. If you have never tried lashes with a invisible band, I would highly recommend you do, as once you have, you will never go back to banded lashes.
Close Set Eyes
This eye shape is narrower than one eye width apart and are considered close set. Lashes with thick volume on the outer edges will give the illusion that eyes are farther apart and even out proportions.
Recommend- H125 are thick, full and winged out at the ends. These lashes have a invisible band which is spot on for any natural look you want to achieve and will also make it super light weight to boot.
Hooded Eyes
Is when a fold of skin that covers the socket line. Lashes medium to longer length in the center of the lashes, will open up the eyes more.
Recommend- H153 are medium in length and are longer in the middle and add a real fullness to the center of the eye. Perfect!
These shape eyes farther apart than one eye width. Even proportions bring eyes closer. Dramatic lashes with volume and longer lengths in the middle add illusion.
Recommend- H119 tick all the boxes above, pretty, full volume lashes which are longer in the middle, which will help balance the eyes out.
Monolid eyes
Is where the lid is one continuous area with no visible fold in the socket line. Really versityle eyeshape any eyelash with alot of curl on the ends.
Recommend- H160 are both, they add such a pretty finish to the eye. They are also have a very thin band which is perfect for when you don't want to do a full liner.
Deepset eyes
This shape eye is deeply set into the socket with a small mobile lid. Lashes with longer lengths in the middle will help bring eyes forward.
Recommend- H151 these lashes are staggered which gives it a natural look to them while giving a fluttery feel. These are my personal favourite. These dreamy lashes just give me that wide awake,doe eyed look and are so light to wear, that I can easily wear these from day to night.
Almond shape eyes
On average most have this, equal proportions, visible lid when eyes are open. Most style of eyelashes suit. Why not add flair, try lashes that are longer on the ends.
Recommend- H104 or H122 are a real treat. These attention grabbing lashes could get you into trouble. Beware when you flutter these babies you will get noticed.
So, there you have it. Beautiful hand made false eyelashes for every eye shape. Have you tried Eldora Lashes yet? Which are your favourite? I would love to hear from you,
Love Nay x
Disclaimer- I have not been paid by any products that are mentioned above, I just like to share.
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